
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dash Dating

I reluctantly agreed to go speed dating the Tuesday after next. Although the more I think about it, the more exciting it seems. I will try not to raise my hopes though. I am only going for a laugh and for the experience. I promise to report back after the fact.

Apart from the whole having a public blog on which I post personal information and pictures of myself, I am generally shy and self conscious around strangers. Dating and meeting people is not really my forte. I am perpetually single. And I don't think being perpetually single helps in the dating game as most of the time, being single makes you want to stay single. Although yesterday I did have one of those rare moments when I just felt hopelessly alone. These moments sort of sneak up on me once in a while and hit hard. Odd too as I had a nice day yesterday.

Luckily, I was on Nixon duty again so had a little furry friend to cheer me up. I also made Sloppy Joes alla The Pioneer Woman and watched the finale of Glee so the loneliness subsided rather quickly. Here is a crappy phone photo of my Sloppy Joe:

It was bloddy deliciously amazing!!!. If I made this for a man, he would fall madly in love with me. This was the first time I have ever had a S-Joe. For the last ten years, everytime I watch this scene from MKA's It Takes Two, I suddenly NEED a Sloppy Joe. So about hundred times I have had this craving ... maybe this is why I have trouble finding a man - haha.

Anyway, the nerd that I am decided to do some research on tips and conversation starters to prepare myself for the night. This is the first questionnaire I found. Sort of like a meme to myself I guess. This is how I would answer these if questioned:

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
My little flat as I love it and fear we are going to be kicked out shortly. Note:  L we need to email the real estate agent.

What place do you want to visit most?
Greece and New York are tied at present. I did actually read this question as "where do you visit most" and the answer to that is "work". That would have made be sound interesting and exciting wouldn't of it.

If you couldn't do what you are doing for a living, what else would you do?
I would be an actress. And I would darn well be good enough to be cast in a movie alongside Meryl Streep. Obsessed much? I even have the script in my head. Oh so I guess I would be a screenwriter too (more on this ambition soon - I just have to get around to editing my two page long post)

What's your favorite word?
WHORESLUT. Although my favourite non curse word changes on a weekly basis. You may have noticed. Currently I am enjoying using Conundrum and Insolent.

If you could interview anyone living or dead, who would it be?
Jane Austen tied with Anna Wintour and the Olsen twins. Although a man would probably not understand this answer.

If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?
Serena Williams playing a grandslam final. Wouldn't it feel good to be that good a player and win the game!

If you had to choose a meal that best represented your love life, what would be on the menu, and where would you eat it?
Water. Although probably not the best answer to give a potential suitor. Don't they say you should not talk about previous lovers on dates anyway?

What would be the title of your biography?
"Everything you didn't want to know about me and then some"
If you knew you'd be financially taken care of for the next year, what would you do with your time or where would you go?
I would go everywhere and do nothing.

They say Alexander the Great kept a dagger and a copy of the Iliad under his pillow. What would be under your pillow?
Um are you trying to impress me with pointless information and the fact that a. you know what the Iliad is and b. know how to pronounce it? NEXT you pretentious prat.

What's in the boot of your car at the moment? (As long as the answer isn't:"My ex!")
Honestly, what kind of a question is that? But if I had enough to drink I would say "Some rotting meat that I swear I can smell but cannot find". Not sure that is the kind of impression I want to portray though.

Now that I am all studied up, the only thing to do is stress and figure how what I should wear. I have one vote for this Zebra print Barkins Dress. Any other ideas?

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