
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dash Dating - What Will We Wear??

Speed dating is tonight and I don't know what to wear. I have an endless wardrobe and nothing....


I think my problem is I have too many looks. Corporate, pretty, preppy, grunge, hippy, sloppy, funky on and on.

All I have decided on is my shoes. The shoes are easy.

Shoes - Nude Footwear

 That reminds me of “In Her Shoes” by Jennifer Weiner. The bit where Rose says something along the line of “The shoes are always right”. I wish I had it on me so I could tell you the real quote. She is basically getting ready for a date and doesn’t know what to wear and is having a bitch of a time but at least she knows that her shoes will work. I like Rose’s idea that shoes always look good regardless of what size you are. And you can always (although I would probably say usually) get shoes that fit. Even if your annoying little sister steals them and spills chocolate ice-cream on them. Good book. Read it.

I just finished reading this book for the millionth time. It is a good easy read. I do forget how depressing the beginning can be though. This is one of those books that I love so much that I don’t want to finish. When I read a book for the first time, I want to get to the end as quick as possible so I can find out what happens. When I re-read a book, it is all about spending time with the characters. And when I am at the end, I feel like I have lost them. All I want to do is go back to the beginning again and meet them all over again. Or, watch the movie.

I have in the past, read Pride and Prejudice, watched the BB version, watched the Keira version and then re-read the book, all in a row. Now P&P is my favourite but this is the only thing I do this with. I once watched all 88 episodes of Farscape and the mini-series in about a week and then went straight away and watched the whole thing from the beginning again…. Yes, I am a GEEK. And proud of it.

Now, back to thinking about what to wear.


missea said...

I hope you have fun tonight! Looking forward to seeing what you decided to wear :)

Anonymous said...

So how'd it go??

Fi said...

It was really fun!! I will do a detailed post tonight.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it :D I've never done it but sounds like fun :))