
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vamp Vagabond

You may have remembered that I mentioned that I have suddenly obtained myself a hectic social life. Where it came from nobody knows. Hopefully it will leave with the month of August (which I am not wishing away FYI). 

Anyway, as part of this new found socialisation, I somehow got myself invited to a Vamp party at the Deen (awful awful club where I feel one hundred years old, need to be very very drunk just to tolerate and where it is impossible to tell when one song ends and another starts).

What a Vamp party was, I did not know, however it was free entry, on Friday 13th and was for a good cause is support of recently-had-dreadful-break-up friend who wanted to have a girls night.

We were instructed that we had to wear black which for me was a challenge as I hate to be dictated too about what to wear and, probably in retaliation to my mother, do not own a lot of club appropriate black attire. This is what I ended up with.

I just couldn't do the all black thing.

I bought these tights ages ago after being inspired by Hayley's post. They have been sitting in my draw  waiting for me to get some guts to take them out on the town. Not sure I can translate these into everyday wear but they are fabulous for such an occasion. They did manage to save us from looking like a pack of goths walking around Northbridge to and from the Deen. 

Some last minute accessorising. The little bird inside the cage actually swings and the hatch actually opens!!

I am the shitz no?

Dress - Forever New
Vest - Lucette
Tights - We Love Colours
Boots - Tony Bianco
Necklace - Jet & Ruby

Anyway the party was AWFUL. I am not even sure what it was but I have an inkling it was some sort of advertising event, luring us in with the premise of a party and free cocktails. All I saw was some sort of fashion show with models walking down the runway in poorly made cocktail dresses holding skulls  two built guys talking about their event "So you think you can strip"?? and glassies walking around in Scream Masks (accident waiting to happen much!!). We ended up having our free drink, using the loo (which was surprisingly clean) and hoofing it up the road to the old fogies pub and dancing like maniacs until three in the morning. Best thing was I amazingly decided to stop drinking around midnight and was dead sober by the time my head hit the pillow. Hello hangover free Saturday.

Oh and a guy showed us his arse. He has a W tattooed on each cheek. In addition, his crotch said "Please take a seat ". Charming. L, perhaps remember this next time you ask someone about their tat. Haha.

Then on Saturday night, I grooved up the dance floor with the rentals at my friend H's 40th birthday party. I still remember H's 30th. I had an crimped hair and discovered West Coast Coolers. It was an 80's party. I was 15. Enough said.

No photos of my outfit due to my complete inability to get ready to go out without rushing around like a lunatic and being too late to take pics. I wore this though:

Dress - Style Stalker
With my TB booties, black tights a side of Espresso Martini cocktail on the hem after an ill fated accident (dev-vo)

Oh, H just upload this on Facebook:

Mum and me on the dance floor. I did not go to bed sober this night and have no idea what sort of emu inspired dance I am doing here. I do remember trying to teach mum how to black dance but she somehow managed to turn it into The Hussle, so we just boogied away to bet of our own drums.

Note: A at 6 foot 8 was just too tall to crop out of the pic. Dance hard A. Thanks for the great party :-)

Anyway, i think that is all. Thank for reading.


Elle said...

I am shocked that no one has commented on the HILARITY of these photos. Particularly the last one I took of you in vamp outfit and the one of you dancing.


PS, I am enjoying the signing off with the different F's, too.

Fi said...


Carly Findlay said...

I LOVE these stockings! How awesome :)