
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bloody Belated Blog

Sorry all for my extended leave of absense. As stated previously, I was not blogging in an attempt to prove a point to myself. But alas, my social experiment failed. In the past, when I have not blogged for a few days, the traffic on my blog has increased, I have gained followers and received more comments than usual. This time it did not. We do have one new follower (Hi) and I did get a few comments but all in all, a complete waste of blog worthy time was wasted.

Oh Well....

Hmm what else have I missed while I was gone?? I LOVE Emma Watson’s haircut, I am pissed that MK said she looks at old photos of the twins and sees little monkey performers , I have no idea who to vote in the election and am honestly thinking of taking up Mum’s suggestion that I write FUCK YOUSE ALL on my ballot paper, I suddenly have a ridiculously busy social life after months of incessant hibernation at home, I have started saying incessant, incessantly, I have learnt that wearing JC clogs while very drunk and where there are steep stairs is not a wise decision, I have learnt I am very lucky not to have broken my neck during said excursion, I have learnt that when you are drunk and need food, anchovies don’t taste so bad after alll, I have learnt not just to drink a drink just because someone hands it to me, I have learnt there are many types of kayaks and things you can do with them, I have lost my shopping mojo, I have seen Terri Hatcher bareface and think she looks great (mainly because she will always be Lois Lane to me), I am sad Artie and Tina have broken up on Twitter, I have no opinion about the fact they are going to turn a quarter of the park across the way from me into a carpark....

.... Many many other things that I am sure would bore you to death. Wasn't that a great story << My catch phrase. More than likely a defensive mechanism so people will not think I am boring/talking crap. Something like, if I acknowledge it, then it is OK.

Anyway, outfit wise. During said drunk escapades involving seeing my friend in her comedy show, talking incredibly loudly about certain activities best kept spoken about not in public, being ditched by my friend to go and pick up, throwing up in a cafe toilet (I am such a lady), getting home WAY past my nanna curfew of 10pm and being VERY very hungover the next day.... I wore this.

What on earth is this pose??

My pretties. That I agree are very ugly but I love all the same. Fastidious fug they are (but that is another post in itself ). And everyone in Cottesloe knows it after I yelled at my sister and dad that they were fabulous and in "a months time everyone will be wearing them". The small child standing near, thought I was very strange and probably cacked his pants when I fell over in them walking to my car.

Clogs -Jeffrey Campbell
Top - Target
Jacket - Portmans (for $17!!)
Pants - Sportsgirl (love love love)

I don’t usually shop in shops. I will browse Forever New, Portmans and Dotti at my local “Quarter” (cough, pretentious name for average suburban shopping centre, cough) but I will rarely buy. Going to the shops just seems like so much effort and inconvenience. This insurrection only began about a year ago when I got my first credit card (apart from the times I could convince by big sister to use to hers to pur-chase me say $150 t-shirt??). Now I am an online shopping fiend. I absolutely refuse to pay full price for anything. I am ridiculously put out when I cannot find a coupon/promotional code for a website that I want to shop on and eBay is the worst and best thing to ever happen to me. Ozsale, Brands Exclusive, Buy Invite, Thread People, Coco Lee are all $35 for real deal Uggs and $11 for speedos!! Who could say no.

Geez, I sound so frelling arrogant sorry (for those of you non-scifi-watching-geeks, frelling is alien for “fucking” in my favourite show ever Farscape. Although they all are injected with translator microbes anyway so I am not sure why technically Frell is not just Fuck, just Henson getting away with vulgarity in an 8pm timeslot. And un-geek).

Anywho, the point is, that I went shopping ... at the shops... last weekend. I was very uninspired and I have discovered I am going through a style revolution. I is confused. I don't know what I like anymore. The above outfit it a perfect example off this. A Target thermal? To a fancy bar? And pants? When I did start loving pants? Why do a have a sudden urge to buy every pair of pants I see now? I even bought myself some baggy black cargo pants and I have been living in them since...... ????? 

But you know feels amazing though. Being able to walk into any store and know that I can pick something up and it will fit. Hell-low. I need to get back on track WW though before I blow out to balloon size again and this elation is lost. Another story for another time though.

So after reading all the above crap, here is what you really care about (I'm tlaking to you RiotersBloc - sorry to take so long). On the date front, all is going well. We are continuing to see each other. As a result of D’s superior Googling skills, he has discovered this blog (cue akward conversation), so I will keep it short and sweet and say things are good. Have you ever tried googling your email address? That is how I can be found. Luckily, non of the people who I would not want to read this blog have any internet skills at all so I am safe (ie. One asked “What is this paypal thing?, to which I almost chocked on my Indian).

That is all....For now.

I promise to return.


Jadegrrrl said...

Love the shoes, I hate shopping because I end up taking most of my children and they drive me a lil batty, so what is meant to be a relaxing experience ends up being fluster causing.

Elle said...

This is an all-round awesome post, despite the fact that I think I knew all that, but the use of "frelling" is my favourite part.

Yay for you finally posting!

Fi said...

Jade I don't have kids and I already find shopping challenging (ie I get tired, grumpy, hungry, jealous < all of the above). Don't know how you parents do it.

L - post is awesome because I am awesome!! Oh the wit

2manycupcakes said...

I want those clogs. NOW.

Anonymous said...

YES you're back! I think that pose is awesome. Do more such poses please!!!