
Monday, October 18, 2010

Why WS?

There is only one person I hate in the world.

I am so annoyed at myself that I care enough to hate this person.

The reason I hate them so much is because this person has destroyed so many relationships. Close friendships, group dynamics and marriages all felt the wrath of this person’s selfishness. And you know what? This person thought they had the right to destroy relationships because they had destroyed their own relationship.

This person is not in my life anymore. The incident, or incidents leading up to the incident, that caused me to hate this person happened nearly two years ago. I have not seen nor heard from this person since. Unfortunately, I am still friends with this person on Facebook so I can still see their annoying face and read their annoying words. Each time I do see or read them, I want to scream and hit something. Normally this person is what I want to hit. I can’t bear to delete the friendship though because I want to know if I am going to be put in a situation where I may encounter this person again.

It is so hard to explain to people what this person has done and why I hate them so. After telling others the saga, I usually just get blank stares and a shrug of the shoulders. It is hard to explain in words how much was lost. Some people still took this person's side after hearing the saga (the WHOLE saga), some people sat on  the fence and some people just made friendship ruining assumptions without hearing about the saga.

The saddest thing is that the person who lost the most out of this person’s disgusting behaviour, is this person.

This person has irritated me today again.

And so I get my anger on again.

I have a feeling long friendships will fall at the feet of this person by the time the year is out. And you know what, I don’t really care. They can have this person over me if they want.

They bore me anyway.

Life without them would little different from life with them. Perhaps I would say “them” and “I don’t want to go” a little less frequently. But is it worth it?

I am not proud of my feelings. I will get off my high horse to say that. Oh and now I know, I think. And surprisingly enough, I still do not agree with you.



Simone Rennard said...

I somewhat know how you feel. I have been in what sounds like a similar situation. Trust me, I'm much better off without them and so will you be!!! They are energy wasters x

Jadegrrrl said...

Was watching all the Saint Mary stuff last night and someone was going on about how she wrote that we shouldn't hate anyone, because they're instrumental in shaping who we are and it's all part of some divine will. Anyway I'm not particularly religious but I sort of felt like hearing this made me put things into perspective. *hugs*

Elle said...

I don't think you should be ashamed of your feelings. Regardless of what anyone else says, the way she behaved was horrific and beyond ridiculous. To you and to me. I don't feel ashamed about how little I now care for her. Like you said, she's the one that lost out.

Shannon said...

My boyfriend always says to me, "that persons punishment is that they have to live their negative miserable lives", it always makes me easier to let go of anger.

But they do sound like quite a piece of work