
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Phone call Panic

I don't like talking on the phone and I stress about having to answer or make phone calls. I am a grown  up, I know and this fear is stupid but it is what it is.

There is one particular phone call I really don't want to make.

I have been putting it off for some months now.

I need to do it sooner or later though, The sooner the better.

The phone call will make me look like this:





I already cop it from all fields for being "young". These are not going to make anything better. Perhaps I should become a mute. Then I would not have to talk on the phone.

I know I am a vain bitch and there are worse things in the world apart from getting braces. But I have had them before. I have done my innings. Then after these come the fourteen (or more) crowns. And the $20,000 debt, to add to my other debts. And I don't even have a house, or a purpose in life. Woohoo me.

"Call Ortho" has just been entered into my diary for 10am tomorrow. I wonder if the call will get made.

- Holla atcha
"the letter F"

PS. Message from Mother re: braces. 

"I was talking to such and such and apparently it is hard to eat for the first few days after getting braces".

Thanks mum, do your remember that I have had them before? Or that I had to put up with years of you and Dad complaining about the cost of them.  My parents liked to do this - I will never live down the fact I went to private school, despite it being my parents choice all along .

Me - I hate school
Parents - You better like it! do you know how much we pay for your education!!

Me - Can I have some money to buy X"
My parents - No, isn't it enough we pay for you to go to a good school
Me - You chose to send me to this school
Parent - Well, do you want to go to Shitty Beach (local public high school)
Me - No.
Parents - Fine then. 
Me - [pout and sulk off into my room]

In Year 8, I had a discussion with the principal of my school (who was drunk at the time, after the school fete) who told me that our school fees were more than a third cheaper than other schools in the State because it was heavily funded my the Catholic Education Department. So for the next five years, I humoured my parents that they were making some HUGE sacrifice for my education. Ok that sounds snooty. They were making a sacrifice but not as big a one as they were making out.

... Anyway back on track, I will be sure to remember this sound advice from my mother when I get foreign metal objects glued to my teeth and then attached by wire that is tightened with pliers!! I didn't think it was going to hurt at all!!

PS. I made the call today. Braces will be applied at 9.30am on 11 November 2010. Then don't expect to see my half head smile until at least a year from then.

1 comment:

Elle said...

I think you should have themed coloured bands in your braces. You know, red and green for Christmas, blue and red for Australia Day, purple and red for my birthday, orange and black for Halloween... Just a thought!

Picture me trying to keep a straight face right about now.

Mmmm, soup and smoothies!

PS, Somewhat ironic that I WANT to get braces on my front bottom teeth but I can't.