
Friday, April 9, 2010

My Fatties Journey

So in February this year I joined Weight Watchers. After reading other people's weight loss blogs and in an attempt to avoid the piles of work I need to do (I haven't really got into serious lawyer mood yet and I am not sure whether I ever will or not - I am still trying to decide whether this is a good thing or not) I have thought to myself.... "I have a blog, lets write about my WW journey too and see if it inspires me"...

So the ever so un-PC name of Fatties is what me and my friend Clare call WW to get us through the hell that is weighing in each week and sitting around listening to a bunch of middle aged snobby ladies discuss weight loss. Don't get wrong, I think WW is a great program and I have been very successful with it in the past. I joined previously at 18, and the weight fell off me in buckets. The problem being, I have an obsessive personality and I was ever so young, so I went too far. I stopped going to meetings and quickly I went 5 kilos under my goal weight. I still wasn’t the long lean stick figure I wanted to be (and lets face it at 5 foot, I was never going to be – I remember the day that reality it hit me, standing next to my much taller (and who I thought to be much thinner) friend, only to realise our thighs were the same size). Then I started stalking pro-anorexia websites for “thinspiration” and memorised all the tips of how to lose more weight. Luckily it only took me week of not eating and walking for over an hour every day, and a loss of 2.5kgs in that one week to give myself a slap in the head that I needed to get out of that ugly mindframe. Looking back at the photos, I looked terrible and was not healthy. After getting back on track, I managed to keep the weight off for a few years, but little by little it has crept up again and now six and half years later. I still remember the day I had my first Whooper after probably two years of not eating any junk. Since then however, I had a hair in burger and refuse to eat them since. That didn’t stop me from weekly stops at the drive through for large fried and a large coke for a snack.

Anywho... more of that later maybe.

I am back on track now and ready to lose the weight and be fit and healthy. I turn 25 soon (oh in a month today) and I need to do this while I am still relatively young.

So this is me, pre fatties.


Sorry for crappy drunken photo, it was stolen off facebook. I hate being in photos (related to the weight issue me thinks) so there are only a few floating around.

To get a virtual visual of my transformation, current and future, here are some virtual images courtesy of the My Virtual Model site :

Start - 8 February 2010

Now - 17 February 2010 - 10.5 kgs down

Goal Weight - sometime in the future (hopefully by December 2010)

So I just previewed this and I decided to come back in and be frank with you about what my actual weight is. I am extremely height impaired and square off at 5 foot exactly, or 153 cm if you want to be metric. My start weight was 83.5 kgs (I know seriously - how did that happen), my current weight is 73 (after putting on bloody 0.1kgs last week) and my goal weight is 58kg (this is apparently the most I can weigh for my height to remain without a healthy BMI - I am going to stick by this as I remember this being a good weight for me however I am adamant the BMI does not apply to persons who are not average as I can be 47kgs and still be healthy but I would be a walking (if I could stand) pack of bones at that weight so it seems a bit far fetched for me!!

Well that’s all from me for now. Hooroo.


Oh and PS. Hi Carly. Thanks for following. I think you are just Fuckin A!!


The Kara K Project said...

Hi there Fi :)

Yes, Not cool to get in that mindframe - once you start it is hard to stop - glad you came to your senses, you look great anywho!

I see you post alot in the fashion blog forums and never knew you had a blog.. PS.. I am so TEMPTED to use the F*uking A line on an amployer! Probably safer if it was someone who I really don't want to be with, just to see what response I'd get! hahaha

Anyway, I like the way you right, which was my point when I siad Hi fi but got sidetracked talking rubish :)

karah_karahz from Vogue :)

Fi said...

Hey Kara, thanks for reading. I am enjoying reading your blog too!