
Friday, July 2, 2010

As much as a Metal Monument Convoy Beast Wars Japan Figure

That is how much I lost. 600 grams. 0.6kg. Yep Yep Yep.

Putting it down in writing that I am going to exercise everyday this week. Went for a swim tonight so Tuesday is down and only six days to go... now it is Friday (and I have haven't posted this yet... where is my head) and have done Wednesday but not Thursday. If I do Zumba and swim on Sat or Sun I will make it up. Promise :-)

A woman at my weight watchers calls started 2 days after I did and had lost 20 kilos to get to goal. That is 20 kilos in 17 weeks. OMG. I would guess she has gone from about 80 to 60 kilos, very similar what I have to do. Although they say it is not good to lose it too quickly, it certainly is a good motivator knowing she has lost about 7 kilos more than me in the same time period.

On weight loss and healthy lifestyle, there was a post on the WW website with some great advice. Let us see how I am going:

  1. Enlist the support of others. BIG YES FOR ME

  2. You don’t need to start on a Monday or next week. Start today! I HAVE SAID THIS TO MYSELF SO MANY TIMES BEFORE JOINING WW

  3. Fresh is best – eat lots of fresh foods, vegies and fruit. And stay away from fried and processed food. LOVE MY FRESH FOOD BUT SOMETIMES I AM LAPSE - NEED TO GO TO THE SHOPS

  4. Planning, portion control and persistence were the three Ps that kept me on track and focused. HMM - PROBABLY WEANING HERE AT PRESENT

  5. Ask yourself whether you really want to eat something or to reach Goal, be healthy and fit into that pair of jeans. GOOD SUGGESTION BUT SOMETIMES IT IS HARD TO SAY NO

  6. Find an exercise you love. It will speed up your weight loss and stop the excuses taking over. YEP. LOVE SWIMMING. GETTING TO ENJOY MY WALKS HOME TOO

  7. Focus on getting one thing right at a time. Choose something to improve each week; it might be eating less chocolate or exercising more. TRYING TO DO THIS BUT I TEND TO GET TOO WRAPPED UP IN CHANGING EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE. THIS WEEK EXERCISE, NEED WEEK TO TACKLE THE CHOCOLATE ISSUE

  8. When things get hard, don’t give up! OR DO AND START AGAIN TOMORROW

  9. Think about the cost of food. What is your body getting out of it? NEED TO THINK THIS MORE 

  10. Reward yourself with non-food treats for your weight loss. YEP YEP YEP

  11. The great thing about exercise is that every bit counts. Doing something small every day is a great exercise strategy. NEED TO THINK MORE LIKE THIS AND NOW I HAVE A SKIPPING ROPE WILL TRY AND AT LEAST DO THIS THE DAYS I DON'T EXERCISE. I NEED TO GET SOME HAND WEIGHTS TOO. 

  12. Consider exercise as more than just an energy burner. See it also as a metabolic tune-up that reduces insulin resistance, optimises your weight-loss efforts and lifts your mood.  AND YOU FEEL SO MUCH BETTER AFTER

  13. Boosting the intensity of your exercise for short bursts (interval training) increases body-fat loss and in particular helps reduce visceral body fat (the most dangerous kind of fat that sits in and around your organs). I AM NOT A RUNNER BUT FANCY I AM SO I ALWAYS DO SPRINTS DURING MY WALKS... DOES THIS COUNT?

  14. Developing good physical activity habits requires organisation, planning and communication. Setbacks are perfectly normal, so don’t feel like you have failed. Stay positive and try again the following week. THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT WEEK AND THE WEEK AFTER AND THE WEEK AFTER THAT.

  15. Human beings are designed to move, not to live a sedentary lifestyle. The best exercise is a form of physical activity that you enjoy and will participate in most days of the week. YOU MEAN I WAS NOT BUILT FOR THE SOFA?

  16. Establish a lifetime love affair with movement. NOT SURE IT WILL BE AN AFFAIR, MAYBE MORE OF A FRIENDSHIP??

  17. Focus on having a healthy lifestyle. If you sustain a healthy lifestyle with exercise and the right diet, then you will most likely never have to worry about losing weight again. THIS IS NOT A DIET

  18. Your body adapts to your exercise routines quickly, so increase the work you do from one cardio session to the next to ensure that you continue to improve your fitness and lose body fat. HAVE ONLY BEEN WALKING ABOUT THREE WEEKS AND ALREADY FEEL I NEED TO AMP IT UP. TOMMOROW IS THE DAY.

  19. If you're bored, your body isn't benefiting. Vary your exercise to challenge your body and engage your mind. ZUMBA ANYONE?

  20. One more minute in duration, one higher level of intensity, or one more session in a week is all that’s needed to ensure increases in fitness and quality of life. Train with the intent to improve on last time! THIS IS HARD WHEN IT IS COLD BUT I WILL TRY

  21. Plateaus occur on the road to weight-loss success, often when you’re close to Goal. The key is to shake up your eating and exercise itinerary so there’s a new unexplored route ahead, and not push on with the same mapped path. I THINK I AM AT MY HALF WAY PLATEAU - NEED TO GET OVER THE HUMP

  22. Always listen to your body. Only eat if you are hungry, not out of habit, and stop eating well before you are too full. BUT TONIGHT MY BODY IS TELLING ME I AM HUNGRY AND I ALREADY ATE A LOT!!

  23. Try to improve your meal proportions by making your meals a quarter protein (beef, chicken, fish, tofu, legumes/lentils), a quarter carbohydrate (bread, pasta, rice, potato, noodles) and half vegetables. I REALLY NEED TO GET KITCHEN SCALES

  24. To really find out what you eat and how much, keep a daily food diary and check the type and amount of food you choose. HELLO WW

  25. Whenever possible, choose wholegrain low-GI carbohydrates. LUCKY I PREFER THEM

  26. When trying to reduce your portion sizes to lose weight, take two spoonfuls off your main meals and leave one spoonful or one bite from snacks. You will gradually get used to eating less and feeling satisfied without overfilling your stomach. I HATE LEAVING FOOD THOUGH

  27. Avoid processed foods and always read the nutritional information panels on packaged foods. EAT LESS CRAP FI!!

  28. Identify kilojoules hiding in things like that biscuit at morning tea, then try to reduce them.

  29. Plan your meals in advance. THIS IS A STORY TO ITSELF BUT I RARELY DO THIS

  30. Hunger is your friend. It is not a pathological condition. If you don’t get hungry 2–3 times each day, you are eating too much! HELLO HUNGER, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT?

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